Saturday, March 27, 2010


I will not buy toyotas stock. The stock right now is up .52%. The days high is 81.24 and the previous close was at 80.33. The yearly high is 91.97 and the low is 63.00, so it is right now closer to the high that it is to the low. Over the last 12 months, the income growth is +193.10%, meanwhile their sales growth is -21.90%. "Toyota shareholders incensed over a sudden drop in the Japanese automaker's stock price are heading to court with lawsuits claiming company executives deliberately misled investors and the public about the depth of accelerator problems in millions of its vehicles." ( This is the reason i will not buy the stock. Because there are problems with the accelorator in millions of vehicles less people will buy it and more will probably chose a different brand car, wich will cause the price to drop. also because of the "sudden drop." this means that buying this stock would be very risky, considering it is capable of sudden drops. We are moderate risk takers so this stock would be too risky.

Elvira Huseynalieva

Thursday, March 25, 2010


i will buy the daimler stock which is up at .72 percent. According to their stock quote daimler has not been down and has no negaative change. Their trades for the past week are in their 52 week range and closer to their high. Todays last trade was 46.60 only ten points away form their yearly high. According to mercedes has raised its sales by 14.6% in the first half of last year. This stock is on a rise and for the past year has been doing extremly well while their competitors sales arent flourishing as much as the mercedes business.

alexander simpson

Automotive- Honda

I will buy a stock in the Honda industry. Honda uses the same basic design for most of its models. This means fewer differences in parts and supplies and fewer production lines. The fewer, the cheaper. Furthermore, in making this decision, I compared their stock rates to their competitors, Ford and Toyota, and found that they are in lead. According to their last price of weekly high activity was 37.23, which compared to their low of 28.16 is not that bad. In addition, their income within the last year is $110 million. Now although they have a -21.7% income within a 5-year period, that statistics is actually pretty well considering we were just in what we refer to as "The Great Recession." Tanya Clark supposrts my decision by giving statistics that shows their industry to be successful. She says, "The last fiscal year was Honda's best ever, the second consecutive "best" year. On a consolidated basis, sales were up 13.3% to ¥6 trillion (more than US$43.4 billion). Operating profits were up 15.2%, at ¥462 billion (nearly US$3.4 billion). Ordinary profits rose 13.5%, and aftertax profits of ¥261 billion (about US$1.9 billion) were up 17.8%." There's your statistics and facts so what more is needed?

Britney Mercer

Automotive -Ford

I would purchase the Ford Motor company. Ford Motor Company is a producer of cars and trucks. Ford and its auxiliaries also engage in other businesses, including financing vehicles. Operating under both Automotive and Financial Services, the Automotive division includes the operations of Ford North America, Ford South America, Ford Europe, Ford Asia Pacific Africa and Volvo. The Financial services contain the operations of Ford Motor Credit Company and Other Financial Services. According to the article by Jeff and Angela, Americans Saying ‘No’ to Toyota; Ford Most Popular (Update2) “Americans are turning against Toyota Motor Corp. after sudden-acceleration complaints forced it to recall more than 8 million vehicles worldwide, while Ford Motor Co. is the most popular automaker.” I would invest in Ford because it has a conservative risk tolerance. It is a large corporation that has long history and a fixed income.

Denisha Balkissoon

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cell Phones - AT&T

I would buy AT&T because according to the stock market chart. AT&T is the one of the world's most leading providers of data, voice and high speed DSL Internet access service. AT&T have recieved a few honors through commitments kept and relationships developed with customers, employees and served communities. Due to the previous close (25.90)and opening with 25.95, I conclude that the service is slowly progressing. This means the stock did not drastically decrease or drastically increase. This shows that the stock has great potential and possibly will do the same in the future. AT&T is clearly a telecommunications company. I would also buy this stock based upon the products used such as the iphone. The iphone is a top selling phone currently being sold by at&t. Being a new product iphones hit the store with a bang!
Denisha Balkissoon

cell phones

I choose to invest in research in motion (RIMM). For today they are down .12% but according to analysts there will be a 28% fiscal growth for 2010. Todays hight is 75.22 which is closer to their yearly high of 88. according to christina wise in the research in motion article they are a solid sales growth in recent quaters. i am a blackberry user myself and the convenient bbm feature also plays an effect in my investment. i see this as a profitable future investment that will have a fair sales growth. Many consumers are buying blackberrys and this is definitely effecting the market. I personaly love the blackberry for its full keypad, internet, and instant messenging . As a coonsumer that supports RIMM i will buy this stock.


Cell Phones

I will invest in the Google Android ( Goog) because right now they are up 97 cents.

The previous close was 565.56, and so far todays high is 568.44 . Also according to the news article, studies show that users of the blackberry were willing to switch to either an iPhone or the Android. However, AAPL high for today is 224.42. I think that this stock has the potential to increase if we give it a little bit of time. Since I have this phone, i would recommend it to anyone. for that reason i think if people gave this phone a chance, they would buy it.

Elvira Huseynalieva

Cellphones: Verizon (VZ)

Verizon Wireless:

I will not purchase a stock within Verizon Wireless. Indeed, Verizon Wireless is one of the largest cell phone companies around the country. They are even said to have one of the most progressive industries, even with AT&T invention of the I-phone. Yes, Verizon Wireless has came out the Google Droid and seems to be the new cool phone out. After all it is touch screen, has a full keypad, and has all the latest apps in 4G! But don't let appearances fool you. According to my friends who own one, it is not such a great invention as one may believe. The service sucks, phone calls drop, apps take years to download and the battery goes dead at least 2 or 3 times during the day; yet still it is a cool looking phone so people continue to use Verizon Wireless' services. Thus, because everyone, especially teens, wants to be in tune with today's society, the Google Droid is their final decision. Because I trust my friends' decision and actually tried the Google Droid for a day and saw how much the service suck, I would not invest in their stock. It is too much of a risk; sure the phone had all the latest services, but what is the use if the phone is dead or all the apps that you enjoy take years to download and most importantly if your phone calls continuously drop?
Nonetheless, stock history also shows their progress to be successful in that their low has been $29.9500 which compared to their high ($30.2500) is not so bad. If you compare both rates to their closing ($30.1500) , you will see that Verizon is quite productive and successive as well. However on the other hand, although this may show that Verizon's stocks are successive when analyzing their money flow, you will see that it is at a continuous fluctuation; meaning at times they are successful, then they fall, they increase again, then fall and so on. In fact they fall more than they increase. This is a BIG problem. Investing in Verizon's stocks is like playing a very risky gamble and due to the fact that we are moderate spenders, this will be too much of a risk to take.

*Britney Mercer*

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blue chips

I will buy coca - cola becuase right now they are up .09%. This is the largest manufacturer of non alcholholic beverages. Their biggest competitors pepsi are not doing as well and their stocks are down. As a stock investor i would buy shares in the the flourishing coca cola company. Today pepsi is down .15% so this is a sign of s a stable company because they have been up for the last week. Accordiong to a yahoo aritcle coca-cola will now invest in malaysia spending 302 billion dollars to build new plants . This expansion will be good for thier business in other news they are an award winner for the decade award in 2010.

Alexander Simpson

Blue-Chips.. McDonalds

I will not buy McDonalds. Although right now it is +.14%, there were times when the stocks percentage drastically decreased. This isnt good because i am at risk of losing all my money. One of its competitiors (Starbucks) have been doing better and are +3.64%.

Blue-Chip: Bank of America

I will buy a stock in the Bank of America's Corporation (B.A.C). It is one of the largest with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other and risk management products and service. There are approximately 53 million consumers throughout the country due to their service which include: ATM's, online banking, and various retail banking offices. Compared to their competitors: Sun Trust Banks, Popular Inc., and Wells Fargo & Co., B.A.C seems to have the best increase of stock. They all hit a low fall on only one day of the week, but Bank of America's Corporations seems to hit the least fall, meaning it is doing better than the competitors and has the best increase in stock. Evidence of such is shown within Bank of America's data. It has previously closed at 16.85 and opened the next day at 16.97, which means the company was trading through the night and had succeeded. In addition, as of today the stock has range from 16.91 to 17.07 meaning it has only increased and thus I will conclude it will continue to do so.

Britney Mercer

Monday, March 15, 2010


Our risk tolerance is moderate. We don't want to be low risk because they don't guarantee high profit. However with high risk, we may gain a lot of money, and at the same time we can lose it all. We are moderate because it is in the middle, and not too risky; it's either you lose some and survive or lose it all and end up with nothing.

The goal of our group is to invest in several stocks, that way we have a widespread of our money which may give us a better chance of making more money.Whereas if we only invest in one stock, we either will lose all our input or gain just a little. We would invest in stocks based on their previous success; if they did good before, then they will do good now and in the future, however if their previous records so they were not so successful or perhaps had a drastic downfall, then we will choose another stock.

We will divide it amongst 4 people, but the head will make a little more profit. This means each participant will get 24% and the head will receive 26%. This way the head makes more due to the fact that they have to make sure the team stays on task.