Thursday, March 25, 2010

Automotive- Honda

I will buy a stock in the Honda industry. Honda uses the same basic design for most of its models. This means fewer differences in parts and supplies and fewer production lines. The fewer, the cheaper. Furthermore, in making this decision, I compared their stock rates to their competitors, Ford and Toyota, and found that they are in lead. According to their last price of weekly high activity was 37.23, which compared to their low of 28.16 is not that bad. In addition, their income within the last year is $110 million. Now although they have a -21.7% income within a 5-year period, that statistics is actually pretty well considering we were just in what we refer to as "The Great Recession." Tanya Clark supposrts my decision by giving statistics that shows their industry to be successful. She says, "The last fiscal year was Honda's best ever, the second consecutive "best" year. On a consolidated basis, sales were up 13.3% to ¥6 trillion (more than US$43.4 billion). Operating profits were up 15.2%, at ¥462 billion (nearly US$3.4 billion). Ordinary profits rose 13.5%, and aftertax profits of ¥261 billion (about US$1.9 billion) were up 17.8%." There's your statistics and facts so what more is needed?

Britney Mercer

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